4 Ways Personalized Video Benefits Digital Financial Teams

Leveraging video to support digital banking strategies can banks acquire prospective customers, improve efficiency and display brand transparency. According to the Forrester Research report, “Q&A: Why Online Video Matters for Digital Financial Services,” here are four ways to take the plunge into the personalized video landscape.

3 Tips to Take Your Personalized Marketing to the Next Level

It’s time to move beyond surface-level attempts at personalizing marketing efforts, like filling in a consumer’s first name on a static email. Instead, Jim Dicso, President and Chief Revenue Officer at SundaySky suggests marketers to follow three tips to truly personalize their communications and improve customer relationships.

Top 3 Tips to Improve Personalization

While more businesses are attempting to personalize ad campaigns, customer experiences, and branded content, many are also falling short. This shortfall has a lot to do with how businesses use personalization; here are three tips to a better personalization strategy.