
What Does 1B SmartVideo Views Mean to SundaySky Customers?

Apryl Casale December 15, 2016
What Does 1B SmartVideo Views Mean to SundaySky Customers?

Here at SundaySky, we’re still reeling in the excitement from our recent #MilestoneMoment of reaching 1 billion SmartVideos generated and viewed. We reached out to some of our customers and asked, “What does 1 billion SmartVideo views mean to you?”

Elizabeth Graper, Marketing Communications Senior Advisor at Dell, said:

“We are reaching more of our customers than ever before and speaking to them in a way that engages and resonates with them. Let’s continue to provide a customer-centric marketing experience!”

Below are some of the other customer reactions we received!

Senior Marketing Manager at the leading Canadian retail bankDeno Hairston, Assistant Vice President of Mobility Service and Support at AT&TMilestones are exciting measures of growth; be it for individuals or organizations, and reaching one billion views has been a huge one for us. We are supporting some of the world’s largest brands to help them connect to their customers on a personal level, helping them revolutionize the way they engage with consumers. SmartVideo allows brands to break through the deafening noise in today’s world oversaturated in content and irrelevant messaging.

This holiday season we have much to be thankful for. This reach in volume proves that consumers find personalized video valuable, and just as our customers said above, we believe this is only the beginning of a future full of personalized consumer engagement led by SmartVideo!