AI Video

AI Video Creation

Create personalized videos with a little (or a lot) of help from our AI Copilot.

See for yourself

Why SundaySky Generative AI video

Deep Industry Knowledge

Our AI model utilizes 11+ years of industry insight to create custom video content that drives ROI.

Creative Excellence

Our model delivers unparalleled creative quality and consistent brand voice that equals brand confidence.

Safe, Secure Data

We safeguard your enterprise by never sharing your data or store gen-AI prompts.

Our Copilot as Your Creative Strategy Director

Idea to Brief in Just a Few Clicks

Say goodbye to dreaded, time-consuming video kickoff tasks like storyboarding. With SundaySky’s AI, you can craft a video brief in just minutes thanks to fast, automated recommendations that keep you intelligently aligned with ever-evolving customer needs.

Read more about the launch of SundaySky Copilot

Killer Scripts; curated assets and music

No need for copywriters, let SundaySky’s AI automatically produce video scripts that meet your communication needs and resonate with viewers. Then tap AI again to curate a diverse variety of high-quality visual, media assets, and musical options to embed within your video.

Explore all the features of the SundaySky Video Platform

Voiceover narrations with language translations

Skip the tedious, expensive audio recording sessions and language translations. With SundaySky’s AI you can add natural voiceovers to your videos in different languages quickly, without the budget and time suck of live audio recordings.

How to add automated voice to your video

AI-driven Personalization to Maximize Relevance

Capture and keep a viewer’s attention with content that matters more. With SundaySky’s AI , you can quickly personalize video narrations and on-screen text while making the most of your existing data investments and relying less on IT.

See how video personalization drives customer engagement

One Platform for a Seamless Workflow

SundaySky Copilot seamlessly integrates into SundaySky’s platform interface, enhancing the end-to-end video creation journey and eliminating the need for users to switch between applications to leverage AI.


“This is such a great tool! The AI capabilities of SundaySky’s AI Copilot make creating a video from a simple Word document seamless. I created six videos in less than two hours last week!”

Steven Gootee Jr.
Sr. Business Consultant, Centene Corp.

“By marrying the speed and simplicity of generative AI to the proven power of personalized video engagement, organizations can keep up with the market’s exponentially growing demand for video-based sales and marketing content while also making video a viable, scalable business strategy for every other department as well.”

Jon Ben Haim
VP of Product,SundaySky

SundaySky Is Smarter Video Creation For Your Business

See for yourself how our embedded AI makes it even faster and easier to create personalized videos, at scale.

In a 30-minute platform demo you will learn:

  • How to create video from text using generative AI
  • How to add personalization to maximize engagement 
  • How to get started immediately