
Comprehensive Guide to Video Ideas for Business Success

Silvi Dua September 03, 2024
Comprehensive Guide to Video Ideas for Business Success

Video marketing can help businesses spread the word about their brand identity and message. This is especially so with the rise in social media use, which has seen an increased demand for video content. 

However, creating professional videos that grab your audience’s attention is challenging without the right tools and expertise. This article will teach you the best video ideas for your business. From company marketing videos to behind-the-scenes corporate videos, we’ll look at different types of business videos and provide practical tips on creating compelling content. 

Let’s dive right in.

The Importance of Video Content for Business

Before diving into the business video ideas, why is video content important for your business?

Video content towers over all other types of content when it comes to branding. A Wyzowl report found that 88% of marketers use video in their strategies. If you haven’t already begun using video as a marketing tactic, here are some facts that could change your mind. 

It Improves Organic Traffic

A Brightcove study found that video can improve organic traffic by up to 157%. Google uses dwell time to rank sites. With video, you can get visitors to linger longer on your video while boosting your organic ranking.  
In line with the above statistic, another study by Moz found that blog posts containing a video get three times as many inbound links as those without.

Boost Brand Engagement 

Whether the customer is new or it’s a long-term client, nurturing a relationship with them is essential. One way to do this is to give them relevant updates regarding your business. 

Video content is awesome at keeping customers engaged. More specifically, quality video content can hold the audience’s attention. Using video marketing can help you remain relevant and consistent with your branding. For instance, a PushEngage study found that video content can lead to 70% increase in brand awareness. 

Improve Sales 

YouTube is one of the leading platforms for learning and entertainment. Before making purchasing decisions, people often use the platform for research. A video product review can improve trust in a product compared to ads. 

A study by Clooktrack found that getting consumers to understand a product is a necessary step in the buying process. Creating videos for your services or products allows them to begin this process. 

Increase Conversion Rates 

Video content can be an important tool for boosting your conversion rate. Not only does it boost organic SEO, but it can also increase the conversion rate. A study by Digital Commerce 360 found that the conversion rate can increase by up to 144% if they see a product video. Even how-to videos can help people make their buying decisions.  

Show Your Business Is Keeping Up 

Video content has seen an explosion in popularity in recent years. For instance, as of April 2024, YouTube was the most popular video platform, with 2.5 billion monthly active users. 

With more people consuming video content than at any other time in history, it is vital to show that your brand is keeping up with the times. Brand perception is one of the metrics consumers consider when buying products. By showing that your brand is keeping up with contemporary trends, you can better appeal to consumers.

Video content is also evolving, with features like filters, live videos, and more. Using some of these features in your videos allows you to remain relevant to consumers’ decision-making process. 

Boost Your Email Marketing Campaigns

Video marketing can also help to supercharge your email marketing. Using video in marketing emails can boost engagement and clickthrough rates. For instance, a study by Backlinko found that using a video thumbnail in an email can boost engagement by 41%. 

In another study by Super Office, it was found that simply adding the word “video” in the subject line could increase the chances of being opened by 6%. Email marketing that includes videos is also effective in improving the click-through rate. Biteable also found that marketing emails that include video content see a 300% increase in click-through. 

Video content is also helpful in retaining email subscribers. An Eloquia study found that using videos in marketing emails could reduce the opt-outs by up to 75%

Video Content Creation Best Practices

Video content has been adopted as a key tactic for business marketers worldwide. However, creating impactful video content is challenging without the right tools and expertise. With SundaySky, you can streamline the video creation process.

Let’s explore valuable tips for improving the reach of your videos and best practices for creating video content that can significantly impact your marketing campaign. 

Define Your Goals And Audience 

As with any marketing campaign, defining your goals and target audience is essential. The goal and the target audience will help you decide on the tone, format, platform, and video style. 

For instance, if you plan to raise awareness, you will use short, catchy, entertaining videos. In this video, you will define your value and brand’s personality. If the goal is to educate the audience, you will use informative and authoritative videos that are factual. 

You will research preferences, pain points, demographics, and driving forces to understand your audience. Based on the results of your research, you will tailor your video appropriately. 

Optimize The Content For Each Platform

Different video platforms use different algorithms, best practices, and features for video content. For instance, on Facebook, you can use vertical or square formats and native uploads to boost engagement and views. 

On Instagram, strategies like hashtags, reels, and stories can demonstrate your creativity and connect better with your audience. The most effective approach on YouTube is using keywords, playlists, thumbnails, and end screens to boost retention. 

Each platform generally has different requirements and strategies to help boost views. 

Make Use of a Script

While making it up along the way can be tempting, a script will ensure better consistency. Using a script, you can define the sequence of events, the dialogues, and the visuals you will use. You can create scripts and visuals using the SundaySky AI video platform in a few clicks. 

This method helps you organize your thoughts and makes it easier to reshoot if you miss a point. Additionally, you can better define the key points based on the audience research. 

Start With a Strong Hook 

The average viewer’s attention span is three seconds or less. You have to grab your viewer’s attention right at the get-go.

You can do this with an eye-catching headline, engaging question, or interesting visual. If you want to spark emotion, curiosity, or interest in your audience, get them to watch more of the video. This will definitely grab their attention.

Once the intro is done, you want to ensure you deliver on the initial promise. If this does not happen, you will see a huge drop in views as the video progresses. 

Plan The Shoot In Advance 

Before starting a shoot, ensure your script is ready, all talking points have been checked, and the goal is well-defined. 

You can identify pain points your audience wants to see and focus on them. Planning for the shoot includes defining which software and other technologies you will use for the final edit. One of the best options today is the AI-powered SundaySky platform, which simplifies all stages of the video-making process. 

Tell A Relatable Story 

A great way to capture your audience is to tell them a story. People remember stories and are more likely to engage with the content. It can help to deliver your message while communicating your values and the brand’s personality. 

Stories can include testimonials, case studies, and more. Combine story-telling elements like character conflict, resolution, and a call to action. The goal is to make your content authentic, emotional, and relevant. 

Promote The Content 

Once you have created and edited the content, you are confident that you can publish it online for your target audience to access. This effort can drive views and improve engagement. 

Some of the tips for promoting your video content are: 

  • Use keywords, tags, and descriptions 
  • Share it on your company blog and social media 
  • Ask other bloggers and influencers to use the video
  • Send it via email
  • Interact with comments and feedback

For effective video marketing, you will need to utilize multiple channels. To make it as visible as possible, optimize it for search engines using blogs and social media. 

Good Video Ideas

Every marketer aims to create relevant content to capture the audience’s attention. Despite extensive research, finding the right answer can be challenging. 

Video marketing is more popular than ever, and 99% of marketers who have tried it say they plan to continue using it.

This section will discuss some great video ideas that will likely increase engagement and conversions. 

Company Marketing Videos

At the top of the funnel is raising awareness. Your audience needs to know who you are. Otherwise, they may not purchase your product or service. 

A brand video is short and more like a film. It relies on visuals and storytelling to help you create a connection with your audience and introduce them to your values and personality. 

The goal of a brand video is not to sell a product or service. Instead, it is an introduction to your video so they will feel closer to you. 

A great example of such a brand video is one by Samsung Electronics. The video communicates the brand’s goal of uplifting the world by empowering educators. This video conveys the brand’s values without trying to sell any product. 

Educational Video 

An educational video is an excellent type of content marketing video. It lets you impress your audience at the top of the marketing funnel. 

A healthy relationship benefits everyone. A brand’s relationship with its target audience is the same. You must offer them value to create a lasting relationship with your audience. 

With many options a click away, steering consumers towards your products is based on your relationship. 

Educational videos let you gain the audience’s trust and show them you can help them when it matters. They can be in different formats, such as a how-to video or a detailed guide to common tips and trips. Educational content also lets you demonstrate your expertise in a given sector. 

A good example of this is Shopify. They have a booming YouTube channel filled with basic tutorials in numerous subjects. With 583K subscribers and growing, these videos present the brand in a positive light while helping to guide consumers on various aspects of their products. 

They are presented warmly and do not sound salesy. As a result, Shopify has built trust with its audience by offering free advice. 

Corporate Videos

Many companies are finding ways to create content that engages and entertains their audience. Offering them value helps build trust in these brands. 

Two-way communication between brands and their audience is crucial. A good company must become a storyteller to convey its brand values and traits, and using a corporate video makes it easy to do so. 

A corporate video is an overview of the company instead of a specific product. However, it can also be a great way to introduce your products. It helps to put you at the forefront of a buyer’s mind, and using a corporate video can thus help you share your brand’s values. 

A great corporate video example is one by SundaySky. In the video, the company shares its brand values without attempting to sell any products to customers. It is a masterfully crafted video that shows the company’s global outlook. 

Videos for ABM

Account-based marketing (ABM) videos can be a game-changer, allowing you to focus resources on high-value accounts with the greatest potential for returns. It lets a company personalize its marketing efforts to nurture and convert customers. 

An AMB campaign is tailored based on factors such as: 

  • Industry: What industry benefits from your products? 
  • Company Size: What size of companies, by revenue or employees, are relevant? 
  • Challenges and Needs: What problems does your product solve? 
  • Technology Stack: What technologies should your target audience be using? 
  • Geography: Are there specific regions you should focus on? 

A successful ABM video also needs a good call to action. Whether claiming a prize, getting a discount, downloading software, or booking a demo, a CTA must fit the target audience or account. 

It is also important to ensure you use channels most likely to grab your audience’s attention. Some channels to use include direct email, LinkedIn, and others. 

An ABM video marketing campaign lets you personalize your marketing efforts with key contacts. It makes them feel valued. It allows you to deliver content specific to a person or team. 

Another benefit of ABM is that it lets you supercharge your sales cycle. By prioritizing accounts, you can significantly shorten the sales cycle. For instance, a Salesforce report found that AMB increased the frequency of marketing teams sharing common metrics and goals from 52% to 87%. 

ABM has also been found to help marketers achieve higher ROI. When properly implemented, it can lower acquisition costs and lead to faster growth in sales. In a study published by ITSMA, ABM helped 76% of marketers achieve higher ROI than all other marketing strategies. 

Onboarding Videos

An onboarding video helps customers understand the platform’s initial stages and guides them toward your product or service. It can also help new employees better understand what you offer. 

Doing so lays the foundation for a positive user experience, fomenting customer loyalty. A great onboarding video is the first line of customer support, helping to address new concepts to a customer. 

Not only does it reduce the burden on customer support, but it also empowers customers to feel confident about using a product. When well implemented, an onboarding video content strategy can be quite helpful in the customer journey. 

A good example is a video by IntouchCX. The video presents how to join its platform in simple and clear language, using great visual elements. 

Supercharge Your Video Content Marketing 

Video content marketing can raise your brand’s visibility and help you win over loyal customers. However, creating professional videos that present your brand in the best light requires expertise and the right tools. 

To boost your video content marketing skills and increase engagement, you will need expert guidance from industry experts. This can help you identify the dos and don’ts and current best practices. 

Learn how to create attention-grabbing videos that boost conversions. Whether you are an expert content marketer or a novice, this ebook will teach you the necessary skills. 

Get your copy here!