
Why Viewer Experience Is The New User Experience [Webinar]

Kelly Gentile December 03, 2018
Why Viewer Experience Is The New User Experience [Webinar]

Before the turn of the century, the digital world (see: internet) was a new and exciting frontier where individuals and brands alike were getting their feet wet by building websites using a function-first, design-later mentality. After the early 2000s, this mentality changed as competition grew and intuitive design became an integral part of building a successful website that drew in and retained visitors. Today the leaders in digital experience continue to hone in on perfecting this process by revolving the entire creation of all digital properties around how the user is going to experience it. With video becoming more and more an inherent part of all digital experiences, it only makes sense that this experience-first mentality is translating into video as well. By making simple choices regarding the viewer experience, brands can increase the engagement, and thus the value, of every single one of their video engagements.

Join Sara Brown, Senior Manager of Consumer Marketing at United Healthcare, along with Eric Porres, CMO, and Guy Atzmon, SVP of Product and Creative, from SundaySky, as they discuss the ins and outs of the viewer experience and share best practices focused on personalized videos delivered via email, through your website, and within your mobile app at 2 PM EST THIS Thursday, December 6th.

During the session they’ll discuss the current state of the viewer experience across email, on-site, and in-app. This will include bestpractices backed by statistics from multiple personalized video programs delivered on each channel. Sara will share insight into navigating complex organizations to deliver a better viewer experience from her experience with doing so at UHC. Guy and Eric will share how to make creative, production and placement decisions based on customer wants. Finally, they will give a list of best-in-class viewer experience considerations to help you with your next personalized video program.

If you want to:

  1. Learn how to increase view volume of videos on-site by 20x.
  2. Hear about how imagelet (thumbnail) details can increase click-to-view rates by 16%.
  3. Discover the engagement differences with different aspect ratios for videos in mobile apps.

Then join the conversation this Thursday. Register here or below.

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BONUS! Those that attend will be entered for a chance to win a complimentary holiday happy hour for your office for one lucky company!*